
Welcome to the Website of the Alaska's Application for Crime Victim Compensation

Include any documentation you may have available such as a copy of the police report, bills, receipts or other crime-related information. If you do not have any of this documentation, you do not need to wait to submit the application. Information can be provided to our office as it becomes available.

If you require additional space on any section of the application, you can attach a separate file.

If your address or phone number changes, it is important to update your information with our office.

For assistance in completing the application, you may call our office at 1-800-764-3040. Victim advocates, social workers, victim-witness paralegals in the prosecutor’s office, and victim-witness coordinators at local police departments may also be available to assist you.

Contact Us

Department of Public Safety
Violent Crimes Compensation Board

4300 Boniface Pkwy
Anchorage, AK 99504

Phone: 907-465-3040

Fax: 907.465.2379

Toll Free: 1-800-764-3040

Send an Email

Your Applications

You must create an account to file an application.
Once you have created an account, you may sign in to start a new application or to view the status of an existing application.

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